Today - even when tempted by Pop-Pop with cool clothes from overpriced hip Upper East Side store there's only one thing she wanted to do. Her kindergarten friend EH had told her that when she went NYC a couple of months ago they had a Harry Potter made of Legos at FAO Schwartz and that's all she wanted to see. So, even though in all the years I actually lived in this town I never went to FAO Schwartz and even though I knew it would be a madhouse on the Saturday before X-mas we went. And it wasn't as madhouse as I thought it would be - crowded but no brawls between customers over the last remaining x-box or elmo or whatever. And in a sense I found myself embracing her embracing the commercialization. Because she wasn't that bad, because she gave just a passing glance to a hell of a lot of the store, because she's really in love with Harry, because she said a special goodbye to the Harry, Ron, Hermione and Hagrid lego figures. And because she didn't push us to get her anything in the Harry Potter area, realizing what she had thus far was better (that in another post about my overindulgent Chanukah gifting).
By the way it's midnight New York time and Julia has been NOT going to sleep for the last hour and a half. Instead she sings odes from (you guessed it) Harry Potter's POV.
Please...Professor Dumbledore
I've been waiting for all these years
For you to come to me
You loved my mother and then me
If you ever loved my mother...
Please great headmaster if you see my mother
let me see her please....
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