Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Forbidden Journey....

My kid isn't a roller coaster fan - she inherited that from me and Mike - but she went on a Forbidden Journey at 8 o'clock in the morning -

We wended our way through the greenhouse at Hogwarts, made our way down a dark hallway and past portraits who talked to us (hello Fat Lady!)...

We saw Dumbledore, Harry, Hermione and Ron....

Even the waiting was magical. And therefore not much like waiting....

And this was before the ride even began.

I've thought about showing some photos, about trying to describe the ride exactly but I don't want to spoil your fun or ruin any surprises -

But I do want to say it's fascinating watching your kid gain courage. From the girl who gripped my hand the first time through to the one who gloried in flying on a broomstick and raised her hands up to the rush - to the girl who went on the single rider line so we could get in one more time before we had to leave...

to feel the wind in her face and to fly....

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